Mouse Guard: Winter 1152

Created by: David Petersen

Published by: PUBLISHER

ISBN: 1932386742 Amazon

Pages: 192

In Winter 1152, David Petersen continues his tale of mouse intrigue, glory, and honour apace. Rather than having the squashed rebellion of Fall 1152 simply fade into memory as a one-off plot to give the first volume some heft, we see that these things have lasting consequences and that the flames that leapt up in open rebellion still smoulder in traitorous saboutage.

This volume lays more foundation for upcoming books as Petersen explores not just the relationships between the guardsmice, but investigates the political relationship among the cities between which Gwendolyn's Mouse Guard plays mediator. Further, it explores the recent history of the war with the weasels of Darkheather and hints at a dark future.

Petersen's art was the highlight of the first book. And while the confidence of his line brings even more life into this book than the last, his storytelling has grown between the two volumes and this story of the Guard, despite its bleak wintery setting, feels much more substantial.

As much as I enjoyed Fall 1152, I think I may have preferred Winter 1152. The stakes are raised and we get to see more fantastic development of character as these mice begin to solidify themselves through Petersen's narrative track. I can't wait to see what happens next.



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