Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 97


by Andrew MacLean
Genre notes: sci-fi, post-apocalypse
88 pages
ISBN: 1616555661 (Amazon)

This is another one of those that isn't necessarily my personal brew but is very well done and will appeal to different people. It's action-y post-apocalypse, which is almost exactly not what i'm looking for in a book. But the art is beautiful. Space and minimalized but bursting with odd colours.

The story's pretty easy to inject into: a young woman named Aria and her cat Jellybean hide out in ruins and make scavenging runs while trying to find a McGuffin-y something and simultaneously having fun trying to get a mech suit repaired WHILE trying to avoid violent confrontation with either of the two human-y races that remain on the planet. Then everything goes wrong and there are guns and motorcycles and dismemberment and lasers and booms and booms.

It's shortish and a very brisk read.

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Comics by Seth T. Hahne

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Monkess The Homunculus, a graphic novel for children by Seth T. Hahne

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