Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 65


by Christophe Bec, Eric Henninot, Milan Jovanovic
Genre notes: sharks, cryptozoology, adventure
284 pages
ISBN: 1594651515 (Amazon)

Carthago is about a lot of things but a lot of it is about the discovery of a shark big enough to cleanly chomp through a blue whale at a single pass. There might even be a plurality of such sharks.

More broadly, the book is about changes on the earth and the perhaps incremental return of great creatures. There is a yeti hunt. Liopluridon. Other thingies.

The narrative skips between several characters and a ton of time periods and locations. It's complicated and awesome and there's a TON going on. Also, the main character's daughter can maybe breathe underwater. It's kind of like a super-adventure version of Children Of The Sea where tons of people get eaten.

Seriously. The body count due to sharks is probably even higher than the body count due to humans. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP.

The book ends with a fair amount of resolution but it looks like there is more Carthago in the works. So that's cool.

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