Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 63

City In The Desert

by Moro Rogers
Genre: monsters, adventure, folklore
428 pages
Purchase from her site
Sample Book 1 (of the 3 included) for free

Due to a bizarre sort of mismanagement by Archaia and then Boom Studios (which acquired Archaia) that kind of pissed me off at the time, Rogers' book (broken into an awkward trilogy presumably for publisher dollars) never saw publication of its third part. So I had two gorgeously produced books that would never be complete.

Fortunately, Rogers has since self-published the entirety in a single volume (as she had originally intended). And it's a very good story. Mythic and sweeping and exciting and sad. Lots of monsters, both human and the normal kind.

Also: her dad created Samurai Cat, if you remember that from the '80s.

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