Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 59


by Darren Aronofsky, Ari Handel, and Nico Henrichon
Genre: Bible, adventure, mythos
256 pages
ISBN: 1607068532 (Amazon)

Man, I avoided reading this for long enough. Huge fan of Aronofsky. Huge fan of an interesting exploration of the Hebrew mythos (actually a fan of crafty explorations of any ancient mythos). Completely nervous that this would suck so so bad. Bible stories are almost exclusively adapted into boring epics or into paint-by-numbers sterility. Nobody interacts with character motivation in responsible, believable ways.

What finally tipped the scale for me was seeing some screens of Nico Henrichon's art for the book. I was pretty wowed. I don't know if any of you had the "pleasure" of seeing some of the Bible comics that proliferated in the early '90s. I did. They were brutal. In my role as a comics critic, I've even seen some pages from comics Bibles released in the last decade and some contemporary attempts to create religious comics. It's all bad news. Aronofsky's Noah, though? This thing was beautiful. And nuanced. And complicated. And wild.

I'm half interested in seeing the film version now. I mean, I probably won't because who has the time. But I'm at least interested.

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Comics by Seth T. Hahne

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