Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 56

I Killed Adolf Hitler

by Jason
Genre: time travel, self-loathing, dark humour
48 pages
ISBN: 1560978287 (Amazon)

Mononymous author Jason crafts a work of subtlety in which he explores themes of love and life and second chances (not disimilarly—but perhaps more on point—to how Jonathan Blow would later meditate on similar themes through his popular videogame Braid). And even more, perhaps, I Killed Adolph Hitler concerns the nature of the human creature.

The protagonist is a hitman who will kill anyone without compunction and without any more reason than a paycheck. He exists in a world in which paid assassinations are accepted, commonplace, and legal. Jason, by posing an assassin as hero sheds a different kind of light on Hitler, the protagonist’s next target—and in so doing asks interesting questions about what makes us what we are.

Also, there is time travel.

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Comics by Seth T. Hahne

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