Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 208


by Jordan Mechner, LeUyen Pham, and Alex Puvilland, colors by Hilary Sycamore
Genre notes: history, heist
480 pages
ISBN: 1596433930 (Amazon)

Templar surprised me. I went in knowing it was a heist thriller set in France around the turn of the 14th century. That left me predisposed tto believe it a light bit of fun. Its length of nearly 500 pages though struck me as odd. A heist thriller is lightweight and length would just bog it down. That was before I realized Templar was more than just mere heist. Sure, it's got treasure-theft on its mind, but there's this whole other drama about the destruction of the Order Of Solomon's Temple and the politics, trials, and tortures that went along with it. Oh, and a kind of romance. Oh, and a buddy road movie. Oh, and it's all just a lot of fun but still feels better than the empty calories of Whatever Latest Marvel Movie.

Also, here's a cool Making Of Templar pdf with all kinds of cool information from all three creators: http://www.jordanmechner.com/backstage/templar/

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