Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 202


by Hubert and Kerascoët
Genre notes: faery tale
144 pages
ISBN: 1561638943 (Amazon)

Coddie is the ugly daughter of a fish scullion. She stinks of fish because of handling them day-in and -out for years on end. She holds no hope for her future and is routinely abused because she is so ugly. Rescuing a trapped faery one day gives her one wish. She wishes for beauty and while the faery cannot change her physical nature, it alters perception around her so that all perceive her to be the most beautiful, most attractive, most alluring woman in all of creation. This basically just makes men go crazy around her. (Brubaker tilled similar ground in Fatale, though Beauty takes it in another direction.) Superb illustrations from Kerascoët, as per usual.

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