Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 201


by Shuzo Oshimi
Genre: vampires, being a teen, there is no happiness in this book yet
6+ vols
ISBN: 1632363631 (Amazon)

Shuzo Oshimi, the nutball (in an awesome way) behind Flowers Of Evil, Inside Mari, and Trail Of Blood) is putting out maybe the first vampire story that's caught my interest. There's a solid mix of stuff common to the subgenre *and* stuff that is more in line with Oshimi's unique set of interests.

Beyond the many weirdnesses at play, Oshimi draws the heck out of the book. He sometimes veers into straight-up surrealism when depicting the experience of his vampiric characters—and it works colossally well. I will say that I found some of the imagery in vol 7 pretty nauseating. Not yet on a level with Wolfsmund, but still...

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I am Seth T. Hahne and these are my reviews.

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