Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 194


by Kurt Busiek and Ben Dewey
Genre notes: fantasy, sci-fi, planet of the apes but where the apes are tons of different animal people and they have magic
2+ vols
ISBN: 1632152770 (Amazon)

Kurt Busiek is one of those talents who makes whatever genre he's writing in sing, and Autumnlands is no exception. He's written a superlative fantasy adventure series in the vein of Planet Of The Apes and Ben Dewey's illustrations are perfect for the world they're concocting. This is the story of Learoyd, a future human soldier whose body is packed with all sorts of tech enhancements (and a tanuki-sized nutsack—though I'm not sure how that will play into things), and Dusty, the slightly magical and youthful terrier lad whose attached himself to this Champion's side. Autumnlands follows Learoyd and Dusty around as Learoyd gets the lay of the land and follows an agenda Dusty cannot yet predict. It's all pretty cool, though the volumes come out at a very gradual pace.

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