Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 187

The Hunter

by Joe Sparrow
Genre notes: short story, hunting, pixel art
24 pages
ISBN: 1907704981 (Amazon)

A hunter who has vowed to kill one of every living creature comes to find that nobody cares and the only thing that he's really excited about barely merits a raised eyebrow of interest. (Kind of like me and my love for Cross Game.) It's a quick story, a short story, but Sparrow illustrates it well and his pixelly art is sickly and bombastic and does a good job creating a mood for his yarn.

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2 Stars = Ok
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Comics by Seth T. Hahne

Ghost Towns, a comic about names and endings by Seth T. Hahne

Monkess The Homunculus, a graphic novel for children by Seth T. Hahne

Nostalgia, an autobio comic about fear by Seth T. Hahne

Golden Rules: an 18-page comic by Seth T. Hahne

A Rainy Day Love Song: a Valentines comic by Seth T. Hahne

Free Horizon, a sci-fi comic by Austin Wilson and drawn by Seth T. Hahne