Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 174

Stand Still Stay Silent

by Minna Sundberg
Genre notes: post-apocalypse, adventure, ghosts, zombies, other... things...?
4? vols
Read here: http://sssscomic.com/

Post-apocalyptic zombie fiction has never been better. Which is good because the post-apocalypse is pretty well played out and man do I hate zombie fiction. But Sundberg's vision here is almost entirely unique in every way.

1) The remaining civilized world is so far limited to Iceland, fortified pockets of Norway, Sweden, and Finland, and a single island of Denmark. That's a rare and interesting setting for a story told in English.

2) The zombies aren't zombies like we typically think of zombies. There're also corrupted beasts and now a bunch of super-interesting ghosts. And an eight-legged horse that's kind of a ghost boss thing. The lore of this new world is extensive, detailed, and imaginative.

3) Sundberg's art is gorgeous. It's luscious and the way she affects mood through colour is essentially like nothing I've seen.

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Comics by Seth T. Hahne

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Monkess The Homunculus, a graphic novel for children by Seth T. Hahne

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