Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 169


by Ed Burbaker and Sean Phillips, with colors by Dave Stewart
Genre notes: supernatural, horror, adventure
5 vols
ISBN: 1607065630 (Amazon)

While Brubaker and Phillips are probably most celebrated for their crime series Criminal, I really do love their bid at pulpy BPRD-style cosmic horror adventure. While telling the story of the harrowing of nearly immortal Josephine, the book pops back and forth through history giving value to the present by illuminating the past. Jo can make any man do what she wants and every man wants her, but there are more sinister powers at play—cultists who want to bring about the entrance of some sort of probably Ogdru Jahad thing and they require her ritual sacrifice to do it. Fatale follows Jo and the men who follow Jo as she tries to break free of the curse once and for all.

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Comics by Seth T. Hahne

Ghost Towns, a comic about names and endings by Seth T. Hahne

Monkess The Homunculus, a graphic novel for children by Seth T. Hahne

Nostalgia, an autobio comic about fear by Seth T. Hahne

Golden Rules: an 18-page comic by Seth T. Hahne

A Rainy Day Love Song: a Valentines comic by Seth T. Hahne

Free Horizon, a sci-fi comic by Austin Wilson and drawn by Seth T. Hahne