Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 167

In the Sounds And Seas

by Marnie Galloway
168 pages
Genre notes: myth, women, nautica, art, dreams
ISBN: 193554876X (Amazon)

Galloway’s short book, In the Sounds And Seas, is one of the most beautiful books I've seen. It's opener, a creation myth of sorts, is incredible and worth the price of admission. Galloway has three women sitting around a campfire, singing. As each raises her voice, creatures emanate in a torrential stream, rising to the sky. One woman sings forth birds, another fish, and the other rabbits. The three streams twine and braid, becoming one and blending together eventually into an Escher-esque sea of life. It’s entirely gorgeous and worthy to fill a living room wall—or perhaps swaddle an adventurous tattooed torso.

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