Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 165

Princess Wolf And Her Life Of Darkness

by Beatrix and Kristen Haas Curtis
Genre notes: fantasy adventure, collaboration, meta

You can read it here.

Princess Wolf is a parent/child collaboration kind of like what Mike Mignola did with his daughter Katie when she was young for The Magician And The Snake. Only maybe a bit cooler because Curtis includes interruptive panels of back-and-forth with her daughter, who explains things in that sometimes fastidious, sometimes careless way in which children often do describe the stories that make up their worldplay. The book is very meta in that sense but it's never obnoxious because this is essentially Bee telling her story and Kristen playing the often bemused interlocutor. It's absolutely delightful and is one of my favourite comics I read last year.

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Comics by Seth T. Hahne

Ghost Towns, a comic about names and endings by Seth T. Hahne

Monkess The Homunculus, a graphic novel for children by Seth T. Hahne

Nostalgia, an autobio comic about fear by Seth T. Hahne

Golden Rules: an 18-page comic by Seth T. Hahne

A Rainy Day Love Song: a Valentines comic by Seth T. Hahne

Free Horizon, a sci-fi comic by Austin Wilson and drawn by Seth T. Hahne