Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 153

Soppy: A Love Story

by Philippa Rice
Genre notes: relationships
108 pages
ISBN: 1449461069 (Amazon)

Soppy isn't a big deal book. It's not even a book with a plot. But what it is (and why I'm recommending it) is a cute book about what it can be like to be in a romantic partnership. It's not going to be a book for everyone, but it's a great book for people who like cute things and think that cute relationships are nice to look in on.

Rice's book is kind of a vignette-based journal of her relationship with Hilda cartoonist, Luke Pearson. In the opening pages, Pearson meets Rice at what looks like some sort of small-press show. After a couple pages, they are in a relationship and the rest of the book cutely categorizes and displays the daily evidences of that relationship.

It's probably not a book that will still with you, but if you go in for this kind of thing, it will certainly warm you. Unlike so much of our lauded pop culture narratives, there is nothing ironic or cynical at play here. This is just genuine, sweet, and kind of adorable.

This is the kind of book that would make a good Valentine's gift for the right kind of person.

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