Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 146


by Ru Xu
Genre: girl-pretending-to-be-a-boy-in-a-man's-world, adventure, orphans
280 pages
ISBN: 159582393X (Amazon)

I don't know why people keep calling this steampunk. There's no punk aesthetic and there's no steam. There is however plenty of adventure, plenty of scrapes, plenty of lessons about how girls can be newsboys too danggit.

It's a pretty fun, light-ish frolic through some serious issues (war, dead parents, fake news, etc.). It doesn't indicate it on the cover (because Scholastic doesn't really seem to be great at expressing confidence in their authors), but this is the beginning of a new series. I'm not sure if this counts as YA or one notch younger than YA, but it's enjoyable if perhaps a little too staccato (occasionally narratological/dialogical jumps are too abrupt).

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Comics by Seth T. Hahne

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Monkess The Homunculus, a graphic novel for children by Seth T. Hahne

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