Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 140

Nod Away

by Joshua W. Cotter
240 pages
Genre notes: science fiction
ISBN: 1606999117 (Amazon)

Nod Away is part 1 (of 7) of a series that begins by exploring a world where (nearly) everyone is networked to a internet accessible directly by the mind (no physical or visual interface). There's a space station, terrorists, activists, ennui, and some dude wandering the wastes who hasn't been explained yet.

The art is neat, the story seems relevant to many people's near-future concerns, and there's plenty of mystery about where this whole thing is going. I don't typically recommend a series based off a first volume because there's a ton of risk there, but this has a strong vision, so i think some of you might like to get in on the ground floor.

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I am Seth T. Hahne and these are my reviews.

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