Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 139


by Rodolphe and Leo
Genre notes: pulp sci-fi safari adventure, dinosaurs
5 vols
ISBN: 1849182205 (Amazon)

Kenya, set in the post-WWII '40s and in Kenya (surprise!), is pulpy and fun. Some privileged, wealthy, Brits head off into the bush with their robust Allan Quartermain-style guide. While there they discover dinosaurs popping up here and there. Also, people get eaten. And there's Cold War Russians and Americans and maybe aliens?

It's a lot of goofy sci-fi/adventure fun and reminds me of the adventure books from the '50s that I read in the '70s. Kenya is made of 5 slim volumes and is followed by two related series, Namibia and Amazon, neither of which I've yet read.

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