Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 128


by Cathy Malkasian
Genre notes: fable
256 pages
ISBN: 1606999915 (Amazon)

Eartha is prodigiously imaginative and for something that has a moral in the same kind of way that the Gigantic Beard That Was Evil does, it never feels overly didactic or preachy. The illustrations are pretty too.

Eartha is a woman, guileless and strong and fat. She is everybody's favourite citizen of Echo Fjord, reliable and buoyant. Echo Fjord is an agrarian place where the dreams of the City come to visit (literally). The unfulfilled longings of the citizens of the City have for thousands of years migrated to the Fjord for catharsis and release. Only now, after a thousand years, few dreams arrive, and Eartha worries that everyone in the City has died from a war. Things happen and she goes to the city and more things happen and it's all pretty wonderful and the contrivances of the plot are pretty unebelievable but none of that matters because everything is pretty much just magic.

Lovely book. A bit large and unwieldy though. 12 in wide, 10 in tall, an inch thick and hardcover. It doesn't fit right on my bookcase so I have to tilt it 90° so the spine is facing up instead of out.

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