Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 122

Slow News Day

by Andi Watson
Genre notes: American fish-out-of-water, small town living, romance
160 pages
ISBN: 1593620802 (Amazon)

At the beginning of the two-thousand-aughts, it felt like Andi Watson was almost single-handedly keeping romance comics in America from dying. By the end of his '90s series Skeleton Key, Watson's drawing style had settled in to what he would be primarily known for even up into the present. Simple, but expressive lines. Fairly geometric character designs. Awkward kissing drawings.

2001's Slow News Day is about a young woman who travels from California to Britain to work at a village's weekly newspaper (at her mom's prompting) in order to get a better handle on a British newspaper as research for a sitcom she's writing with her boyfriend back home. Culture shock, homesickness, and the allure of Hollywood success keep her at arm's distance from the locals and anyway there's really not a place in this story for a romance. OR IS THERE?? [dramatic music bump bump BUMMMM]

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I am Seth T. Hahne and these are my reviews.

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