Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 5

Boy's Night

by Max Landis and AP Quatch
Genre notes: middle age, celebrity
29 pages
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Boy's Night posits a middle-aged Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Minnie, Daisy, etc. It would be easy to mistake the story for something cynical. It's not, but at a glance it might look that way.

Boy's Night is real. It's about what happens to the idols in the cult of celebrity once the sheen is gone. What happens to the souls that have been plastered over for so long that the reality and realness of the lives behind the facade become difficult to even recognize.

Boy's Night is a touch mean-spirited but simultaneously tender. And it's about what it's like to be human in a world beyond our control. The trajectory is made rare by the injection of celebrity, but the story beats and thematic notes are the everyday. Humdrum and mundane.

The comic may look a bit crunchy but it's a real achievement.

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