Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 93

Chico & Rita

by Javier Mariscal and Fernando Trueba
Genre: romance, music, Cuba
216 pages
ISBN: 1906838291 (Amazon)

The writer and artist of the film, Chico & Rita, adapt their story to the graphic novel format, sacrificing lush music for lush pages. The book bursts with colour and passion of line.

The story it tells is not an uncommon one. A man and woman with tremendous chemistry and great desire for each other are nevertheless terrible at communication and loving each other in the tangible non-sexual ways that undergirds any healthy relationship. Throw in the tragedy of closed borders and other actors that conspire obliviously to keep the two from each other, and you've got your standard star-crossed lover equation.

Quiet, introverted readers may find the tempestuousness of the relationships of these characters novel and hyperbolic (I was personally pretty gobsmacked at the brashness of the things said and done), but others may see themselves and their family well-represented.

In any case, open the book to take in the art for it is janky and beautiful.

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