Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 221

Age Of Bronze

by Eric Shanower
Genre notes: Greek myth
4+ vols
ISBN: 1582402000 (Amazon)

These books take an excruciatingly long time to come out. Volume 3B came out in 2013 and I've seen no word on a vol 3C or 4. I wouldn't be surprised if the series is never completed. That said: still worth it.

Age Of Bronze is a *comprehensive* retelling of the entire events of the Trojan War, combining the details from Homer, Virgil, and other sources. It's long, it's sprawling, it's meticulously illustrated. In this telling Shanower has opted to exclude the gods and their squabbles for what instead is the human actors beliefs about the gods. This was a narrative trick used in Wolfgang Petersen's film Troy (a movie that came out and was forgotten six years after Shanower's book first published). It's a good book and a great book and one worthy of your attention.

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