Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 186

In The Kitchen With Alain Passard

by Christophe Blain
Genre notes: foodies, food prep, restaurants, Ratatouille minus rats and critics
96 pages
ISBN: 1452113467 (Amazon)

Blain chronicles the daily routine and thoughts on food by chef Alain Passard, owner of three-star restaurant, L'Arpège. The man is excited and exciting and has a lot of opinions on food. The book, while largely catering to niche appeal, will hold some interest in a broad readership simply by virtue of describing an occupational world few of us have any experience in. I mean, a lot of us have worked a restaurant's kitchen before (I have, at least), but few have worked in a high-class restaurant's kitchen—so hearing these people talk about their jobs is pretty fascinating. And Blain's manner of conveying mood and emotion through his cartooning is always a pleasure.

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