Daily Graphic Novel Recommendation 163

Spill Zone

by by Scott Westerfield, Alex Puvilland, and Hilary Sycamore
Genre notes: disaster recovery, post-minor-apocalypse
224 pages
ISBN: 159643936X (Amazon)

Spill Zone is great. It's one of those books where the colourist really matters. Like with Asterios Polyp only not quite so much. In any case, this book would not likely survive being B&W because its use of colour is so integral to what it is, to what it is doing. Hilary Sycamore (the colourist) is absolutely on fire here.

Three years ago, Poughkeepsie (which I only know of through Looneytoons) was destroyed in some sort of toxic mix-up disaster involving a nuclear and a nanobot production facility. And now everything's straight up nuts there. Almost nobody got out alive. Addison was out of town at the time but her sister had another kind of luck, she and a school bus full of kids somehow made it out but never spoke again. Addison's parents were working in the hospital and so, like everyone else, didn't make it out in time.

It's been three years and the town is still in quarantine. Nobody in or out (even supposing there were people who could get out). But Addison sneaks in to take photos of the bizarre phenomena that occur throughout the spill zone so she can sell them to collectors. Highly illegal, but after all a girl has to do what she can to get by. Then things start getting weird.

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